What are Porcelain Veneers?


Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic, bonded to the front of your teeth. They can improve the appearance of gaps, chips, cracks, discolouration, and misalignment in teeth. The layers of translucent, all-ceramic porcelain allow light to shine through, reflecting off the opaque tooth dentin below the surface and giving the appearance of brighter, natural-looking teeth. Using porcelain veneers at our dental practices in Algodones, Mexico, we can remake your smile in just two appointments.


Preparing for Porcelain Veneers

At Confident Smile Studio, everyone is treated as an individual, but the process is roughly the same.

During your initial consultation for dental veneers at our practice in Algodones, Tijuana, Mexico, you will discuss your aesthetic goals for correcting and improving your smile with one of our qualified cosmetic dentists.

He or she will design the specifications for your new teeth, including instructions for the lab regarding the shape, colour, and translucency of your new veneers.


That same day or during the second appointment, our dentist will prepare your teeth for your new porcelain veneers. Doing so requires buffing off about half a millimeter of tooth enamel to adjust for the added thickness of the veneers. This is painless, and after your teeth have been prepared, we will take a mold of your mouth to send to the laboratory, where they will craft your porcelain veneers Mexico to match your teeth. Making a natural looking porcelain veneer is an artform. We only use the very best dental labs.


Placing Your Porcelain dental Veneers


After two or five days (depends how many dental veneers are being made), your porcelain dental veneers Tijuana, Los Algodones will be ready.

If you are satisfied with the color and shape of your veneers, they will be permanently cemented to your teeth.


After the Procedure


After your porcelain veneers have been permanently fixed to your teeth, you can care for them much as you would your natural teeth. Regular brushing and flossing will maintain them over time. It should take several weeks for you to adjust to the new feel of your teeth, but very soon, they will feel absolutely natural.

Porcelain veneers are not the only option for restoring broken, chipped, or discoloured teeth. There are other cosmetic dentistry alternatives to consider as well. Like porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, composite bonding, and teeth whitening can all improve the aesthetics of your smile.


Porcelain Veneers in Algodones Mexico


what are veneers

Dental Veneers

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